Select Publications
Cha J*, Tong X*, Coate K*, Guo M, Liu J, Reynolds G, Walker E, Stein R, Mchaourab H, Stein R. Defining unique structural features in the MAFA and MAFB transcription factors by AlphaFold2 that control Insulin gene activity. Journal Biological Chemistry, In press. https://www.jbc.org/article/S0021-9258(24)02440-2/fulltext
Cha J^, Aguayo-Mazzucato C, Thompson P^. Pancreatic beta cell senescence in diabetes: mechanisms, markers and therapies. Frontiers in Endocrinology, Aug 31;14:1212716, 2023. ^, Co-corresponding authors.
Cha J*, Tong X*, Walker E, Dahan T, Cochrane V, Ashe S, Russell R, Osipovich A, Mawla A, Guo M, Liu J, Loyd ZA, Huising MO, Magnuson M, Hebrok M, Dor Y, and Stein R. Species-specific roles for the MAFA and MAFB transcription factors in regulating islet β cell identity. JCI Insight, Aug 22;8(16):e166386, 2023. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.20.512880v1 (2022)
Walker E, Cha J, Tong X, Guo M, Liu J, Yu S, Iacovazzo D, Mauvais-Jarvis F, Flanagan S, Korbonits M, Stafford J, Jacobson D, and Stein R. S64F MAFA mutation leads to accelerated islet β-cell senescence and dysfunction insulin secretion preferentially in males. Cell Reports, 37(2): 109813, 2021.
Cha J*, Coate K*, Shrestha S, Wang W, Goncalves L, Almaca J, Kapp M, Fasolino M, Morgan A, Dai C, Saunders D, Bottino R, Aramandla R, Jenkins R, Stein R, Kaestner K, Vahedi G, HPAP Consortium, Brissova M, Powers A. SARS-CoV-2 cell entry factors ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are expressed in the microvasculature and ducts of human pancreas but are not enriched in β cells. Cell Metabolism, 32(6):1028-1040, 2020. *Equal contribution.
Cha J^, Fenelon J, Murphy BD, Renfree MB, Dey SK. A role for MSX genes in mammalian embryonic diapause. Proceedings in Bioscientifica Reports, 10:44-51, 2020. ^Corresponding author.
Li X, Itani O, Haataja L, Dumas KJ, Yang J, Cha J, Flibotte S, Shih HJ, Xu J, Qi L, Arvan P, Liu M, and Hu PJ. Requirement for TRanslocon-Associated Protein (TRAP) a in insulin biogenesis. Science Advances, 5(12):eaax0292, 2019
Cha J & Aronoff D. A Role for Cellular Senescence in Birth Timing. Cell Cycle, Sept 5:1-9, 2017.
Cha J & Dey SK. Hunting for Fox(A2): Dual roles in female fertility. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, pii: 201620648, 2017.
Cha J*, Yuan J*, Deng W, Bartos A, Sun X, Ho HYH, Borg JP, Yamaguchi T, Yang Y, Dey SK. PCP signaling directs epithelial evaginations and engages Noggin-Bmp2 interaction for blastocyst attachment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 113(50): E8079-E8088, 2016. *Equal contribution
Cha J*, Deng W*, Haraguchi H, Bartos A, Viollet B, Bradshaw H, Hirota Y, Dey SK. p53 coordinates decidual Sestrin2-AMPK-mTORC1 signaling to govern parturition timing. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 126(8):2941-54, 2016. *Equal contribution
Cha J*, Sones JL*, Woods AK, Bartos A, Heyward CY, Lob HE, Isroff CE, Butler SD, Shapiro SE, Dey SK, Davisson RL. Decidual Cox2 inhibition improves fetal and maternal outcomes in a preeclampsia-like mouse model. JCI Insight. 1(3):e75351, 2016. *Equal contribution
Cha J*, Burnum-Johnson KE*, Bartos A, Li Y, Baker ES, Tilton SC, Webb-Robertson BJ, Piehowski PD, Monroe ME, Jegga AG, Murata S, Hirota Y, Dey SK. Muscle segment homeobox genes direct embryonic diapause by limiting inflammation in the uterus. Journal Biological Chemistry, 290(24):15337-49, 2015. *Equal contribution
Cha J, Bartos A, Park C, Sun X, Cha SW, Ho H, Yamaguchi T, Dey SK. Appropriate crypt formation in the uterus for embryo homing and implantation requires Wnt5a-ROR signaling. Cell Reports, 24;8(2):382-92, 2014.
Cha J, Bartos A, Egashira M, Haraguchi H, Saito-Fujita T, Leishman E, Bradshaw H, Dey SK, Hirota Y. Combinatory approaches prevent preterm birth profoundly exacerbated by gene-environment interactions. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 123(9):4063-75, 2013.
Cha J, Sun X, Bartos A, Fenelon J, Lefevre P, Daikoku D, Shaw G, Maxson R, Murphy BD, Renfree MB, Dey SK. A new role for muscle segment homeobox genes in mammalian embryonic diapause. Open Biology (Royal Society) 3(4):130035, 2013.
Cha J, Sun X, Dey SK. Mechanisms of implantation: strategies for successful pregnancy. Nature Medicine 18(12): 1754-67, 2012.
Cha J, Hirota Y, Dey SK. Sensing Senescence in Preterm Birth. Cell Cycle 11(2): 205-206, 2012.
Cha J*, Daikoku T*, Sun X, Tranguch S, Huirong X, Fujita T, Hirota Y, Lydon J, DeMayo F, Maxson R, Dey SK. Conditional deletion of MSX homeobox genes in the uterus inhibits blastocyst implantation by altering uterine receptivity. Developmental Cell 21(6):1014-25, 2011. *Equal contribution
Hirota Y, Cha J, Yoshie M, Daikoku T, Dey SK. Heightened uterine mTORC1 signaling provokes preterm birth in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 108(44): 18073-18078, 2011.
Hirota Y, Cha J, Dey SK. Revisiting Reproduction: Prematurity and the Puzzle of Progesterone Resistance. Nature Medicine 16(5): 529-31, 2010.
Cha J, Birsoy B, Kofron M, Mahoney E, Lang S, Wylie C, Heasman J. The Role of FoxC1 in Early Xenopus Development. Developmental Dynamics 236(10): 2731-41, 2007.